You know that moment when you realize that you don’t want your boss’s job, one day, after all?
That was me.
After years of climbing the corporate ladder at huge companies, I realized I had put my dreams of having my own business on hold for far too long.
When I was let go from my final corporate job, I saw two options: find a new job at yet another, “sexy” company or finally start a business built around what I love to do, and what I do best.
I chose to start my coaching and consulting business.
When I realized this was the gateway to be able to choose how much money I made, the clients I took on, and when and how much vacation I took, I breathed a sigh of relief. Freedom, at last.
Eight years later, I’ve never looked back.
Now… if only there had been a way to shorten my learning curve when I started my business.
The mistakes I could have avoided! The time I could have saved.