Believe It to See It
We’ve all heard the saying, "I'll believe it when I see it." Kind of cynical, right? How about this: try believing FIRST and TRUST that you'll see it when it's time. Perhaps not concrete enough? Read on...
As a kid growing up in Wisconsin, I'd always wanted to live in California. The land of fun, sun, and beautiful beaches (total opposite of Wisconsin winters). But back then my dream felt unattainable. I’d been privy to opinions that California was too far away, “so expensive”, and just wasn’t a place for people from small Midwestern cities. Utterly intimidating for a 13-year old. There were even times when my younger self doubted if I was good enough (yep, truth) to live in a place like California. Nevertheless, I still continued to keep my eye on the prize. I didn’t know when or how… but I was moving to California someday.
My long awaited dream began to feel real when I started my career. I landed a consulting project in San Francisco! At 26, I would experience California for the first time. The project lasted a year, sufficient time to experience what it would be like to live in the Golden State. I liked what I saw. Scratch that. I LOVED it! I knew with every part of my being that I had found my new home. My belief became stronger and I was ready to start planning a move.
The planning phase lasted about 4 years as fear and doubt crept in. I killed time talking and talking about moving to California to anyone who would listen. Finally, I tired of hearing myself talk. It was time to do it. So, in January of 2011, I landed in San Francisco ready to start a new life. Fast forward to today, 6+ years in, and I haven't second guessed this choice once. I believed it would happen, and it did.
All that YOU want is already out there for you to claim it. You may not know how your dream is going to happen or when, but the first step is to know it and believe it - with every ounce of your being. The path will reveal itself for you, as it did for me. All you need to do is show up, be brave, and take the first step.
So go on, believe it. Then you'll see it.
Holly works with professionals to create services-based businesses using expertise and strengths they already have. Holly is the creator of The Consultant Code, a program will have you up, running, and profitable with your services-based business in 60 days or less! Want to learn more? Drop her a note at: