The Everyday Entrepreneur Podcast

#41: How to Go From Reluctant Employee to Liberated Entrepreneur in Six Easy Steps!

Episode Summary

Have you been wanting to start your own business for awhile now, but you have no idea where to start or how? Then this is the podcast episode for you! In this episode I break down my FREE step-by-step guide, the Business Blueprint! Listen along with me as I walk you through each step to get you closer to your goal, starting your own business! As we discuss each of the six steps in the Business Blueprint I provide more context and examples to help guide you and get you started on your journey. Finally, if you still have any questions after listening, I would LOVE for you to reach out to me for help! Below you will find my calendar link to book a 20 minute FREE consultation to help get you started with your own business!

In this episode you’ll learn:

0:38 Download my FREE Business Blueprint guide to follow along in this episode with each step

2:15 Shifting your mindset from 'employee' to 'boss' and what does that look like for you

2:36 Step #1 Create your vision for your ideal workday, environment, and energy

6:28 Step #2 Your strengths, what inspires you, brings you energy, and makes you feel confident?

10:15 Step #3 Define your ideal client, who do you want to work with? Because YOU get to choose!

13:15 Step #4 Your offer, what strengths do you have that you can offer to your ideal client?

16:14 Step #5 Strategy, commit to five activities over the next five days that will immerse you in your industry and around your ideal clients

19:41 Step #6 Plan, once you have your five action item next steps, look at your week and see what could cause you to not complete these items and find ways to work around these obstacles

21:55 Book a consultation with me to discuss any questions or ideas you may want to bounce off someone, I am here to help!

22:09 Join the Consultant Code waitlist to make sure you get a spot in my next class that will be launching this spring!

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