The Everyday Entrepreneur Podcast

#42: From Fired to Fulfilled: Creating Your Own Version of Success

Episode Summary

Today's episode we have a very special episode and guest! I am LIVE in the podcast studio with Heather Boschke. Heather is a marketing executive with over twenty years of corporate experience turned entrepreneur with her business, Vogel Venture. She shares how after getting fired twice and laid off once, she finally was ready to take the leap of faith to start her own marketing business. Using her experience with corporate she was able to take the lessons and processes learned and leverage them within her own business and to help her small business clients.

With no longer worrying about fitting the "corporate mold" Heather was even able to find her creative side again and started ANOTHER business, Buddha Birdie. Combining her love of birds and drawing, she was able to create two children's books.

Heather shares with us the importance of talking to people about your ideas / business and letting yourself get quiet enough to listen to your own voice. She shares what are the most important priorities and values in her life and how she lets those guide her to make the best business and personal decisions. In other words, what gives you energy versus what drains you of energy?

Finally Heather shares with us her most important message for listeners, "BET ON YOURSELF!" We are all born with purpose and passions in our lives, and it is our job to find them!

In this episode you’ll learn:

1:46 Heather's experience with climbing the ladder in Corporate America and still getting thrown off

3:11 Giving herself a six-month timeline to build her own business

4:00 Letting go of expectations and leaning into the ride

5:21 How being written up for "disobedience" helped her realize that she no longer wants to try and fit the "corporate mold"

10:06 Using Corporate America as a master class in processes, people, and business that you can leverage for your own business and clients

13:12 Defining what Vogel Venture is as a business

18:36 We are more than what we are paid to do, we are multi-passionate individuals

19:20 Normalizing getting fired or laid off, it happens to the best of us!

23:04 The Sunday Truth Gun: Are you looking forward to the next week?

25:25 Enough versus more; how chasing more for more's sake can keep you from your purpose and passions

27:57 Stumbling in your business is ok, and sometimes is what you need to accelerate faster than you ever could

28:38 Forcing versus flow; what gives you energy and what drains you of energy?

32:24 Get quiet and listen to yourself and learn to trust in yourself

37:30 Pushing through negative self-talk; notice the thought, normalize it, and then neutralize it

40:02 The power of writing down your dream and saying it OUT LOUD

42:25 When it feels too good to be true, that means you are in alignment!

43:00 Heather's experience on live television and what helped her prepare for that new experience

45:36 BET ON YOURSELF, we are all born with purpose and it is your job to find and follow it!

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