The Everyday Entrepreneur Podcast
#43: The One Marketing Platform Every Business Owner Needs (And it's NOT Social Media!) with Martha Bitar
Episode Summary
Today we talk with Martha Bitar, CEO of Flodesk! Martha got her start in the tech industry in Silicon Valley. It wasn't long before she took the skills she learned from Silicon Valley and put them to work for herself by starting Flodesk. Flodesk is an email design and marketing tech company that helps small businesses build community with their customers through on-brand and beautiful emails. Martha shares what inspired her and her business partner, Rebecca Shostak, to start Flodesk, what it's like to be a disruptor in an established industry, and why an email list is so important to transform the relationship you have with your new and existing customers!
Throughout this episode, you will hear the integrity and love that Martha and her teams pour into their work to ensure their customers have everything they need to be successful. This is especially apparent when Martha shares two unique challenges Flodesk faced and how they overcame them AND gained more trust with their customers in the process.
In this episode you’ll learn:
1:48 Holly's experience with being an OG Flodesk customer and how an email list can help you build your business
4:08 Martha shares how she and Holly first met, years ago - connections are everything!
5:48 The importance of feedback from customers, especially at the beginning
7:36 What inspired Martha and Rebecca to start Flodesk, despite the "nay-sayers" they originally encountered
9:30 Martha shares how an email list levels the playing field between small businesses and big companies
12:00 The importance of understanding and connecting with your ideal client
13:50 How being an "outsider" in the industry can bring a fresh perspective and disrupt the existing competitors, no matter how large they are!
15:50 Overcoming their first major company challenge and how it only STRENGTHENED their customer relationships and trust
19:50 The power behind "Made with love in Flodesk," what a product viral loop is, and how it benefits you, your customers, and your future customers
22:53 The difference between scaling hours to dollars and scaling digitally
27:32 Martha shares the amazing feat of being a tech company that has NEVER raised funding from outside investors, and how you can too!
30:48 The importance of listening to your customers for their "pain points" and not their "solutions"
34:42 The recent domain changes Google and Yahoo made and the impact that had on Martha and her team
37:02 Why it is important to look at the full picture when going through business challenges
41:50 The difference between social media and email lists and how they're both more powerful when used together strategically
45:15 How email lists level the playing field between small businesses and their large corporation competitors - email is connection
49:51 Flodesk is expanding their team with two exciting new roles!
51:57 Save 50% on your first year with Flodesk!
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