The Everyday Entrepreneur Podcast
#46: Mindset Mastery: Success Strategies with My Own Business Coach, Lisa LeBlanc
Episode Summary
This week we sit down with Holly's personal business coach, Lisa LeBlanc. Lisa is a wife, mother, and grandmother as well as a certified life coach and weight loss specialist with No BS Weight Loss. Holly shares how her and Lisa met through the No BS program, and how their coaching relationship evolved from personal weight loss to business.
Lisa shares how her entrepreneurship story started when she was a young wife and mom with three kids under five. Out of necessity Lisa decided to start her own daycare business, but it wasn't long before her own kids were in school and she had a waitlist of parents and kids. After over twenty years in that business Lisa had reached burn out and was ready for a change.
Lisa began to prioritize herself again and reflect on how she has always been coaching those around her through the years. She decided to invest in herself and get her life coach certification and become part of a coaching team at No BS Weight Loss. Throughout this episode you will hear the coaching techniques Lisa uses with clients (and herself) to help them overcome their own negative thoughts. Holly and Lisa role play two common scenarios Lisa runs into with new and existing clients, as a glimpse into what a coaching session with her looks like!
In this episode you’ll learn:
2:14 Holly introduces Lisa LeBlanc, her personal business coach
2:58 Corinne Crabtree episode that is referenced in this episode!
5:55 Lisa shares how she started her first business as a daycare provider, out of necessity
6:47 Her old mindset of "If you build it they will come" and how that gave her success, but never gave her the opportunity to celebrate any of that success
7:50 Five years ago Lisa felt burned out from the daycare business she had built and was looking to make a change
8:25 Lisa joins Corinne's No BS Weight Loss program and starts prioritizing herself again
11:25 What led Lisa to pursue her life coach certification and the financial investment that goes into that decision - it was time for her to invest in herself!
14:02 Through coaching and self reflection, Lisa learns how she is in control of her thoughts
15:50 Her journey to becoming a coach at No BS Weight Loss and the extensive interview process she went through
22:50 How to stop getting in your own way and the coaching to help you
24:49 The importance of listening back to your own thoughts and reflecting and editing them
25:30 Mock Coaching Session Example #1 Corporate woman who wants to start her own business but can't quit her job AKA steady income and insurance
29:20 Why you need to look forward in life and NOT backward if you want to make changes in your life
33:07 Lisa shares her approach to getting out of her own head and why it is important to "get quiet" or "get in your body" in order to reflect
36:43 Why Lisa thinks journaling is so important to reflect and filter your thoughts and experiences
44:15 Mock Coaching Session Example #2 A corporate woman who has a horrible boss that does not treat her well or appreciate her work and feeling a loss of control with her work environment
48:30 How taking action, any action, reminds you that you are in control
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