The Everyday Entrepreneur Podcast
#47: When, Why, and How to Pivot Your Business with Haley Westfall
Episode Summary
This week I sit down with Haley Westfall, founder and owner of The West Collective and co-founder of Collab Culture. Haley shares how she started working in corporate America in high school, which led to almost twenty years within the corporate healthcare industry. It wasn't until she was laid off... twice within six months that she knew something had to change.
That was when Haley, through the help of her friends and community, found herself with a social media strategy and content business. One client turned to two, to three, and so one before she was running her own successful business. She was officially her own boss and no longer had to worry about getting laid off... until she laid off herself!
Haley realized with the help from her tight-knit women entrepreneurial community and self-reflection that even though her business was succeeding, she wasn't happy. Instead of feeling defeated, she decided to go back to square one and create a business again, this time with the utmost intention in her purpose and strengths.
In this episode you’ll learn:
2:43 Haley's intro and background
3:45 Haley started her healthcare corporate career in high school, stayed in that industry for 20 years
4:10 Sharing her experience getting laid off from her corporate job
6:14 She quickly found another corporate job, but after six months in she was laid off AGAIN, this time two weeks before Christmas
8:30 Taking the time to process and figure out her next move
15:00 Learning to shed her corporate "polished" image in lieu of an image that is more authentic to her and the business she is creating
19:04 The importance of releasing the "shame" of getting laid off and sharing your story is therapeutic and brings you more credibility as an entrepreneur
21:55 Leaning on entrepreneurial friends and started her business of social media management and strategy for small businesses
23:05 Business is successful, but Haley didn't feel completely fulfilled or aligned
24:45 Her decision to end that business and start over AGAIN, this time with more intention and purpose
27:36 Inbal Claudio episode referenced!
28:08 Connected with three other entrepreneur women and created their own community to build each other up and help with each other's businesses
29:30 Community is NOT just all rainbow and sunshine, it is showing up and holding people accountable to be the best version of themselves
30:30 Learning to shed the corporate habits and behaviors we all learn that no longer serve us as an entrepreneur
31:40 Officially launched her new business, The West Collective, in 2023 with the help of her own community and the self-reflection she had done for herself
32:15 Haley started her own podcast, The Table Podcast
34:30 The impact of creating a business with purpose can have on your entire life, your joy and happiness will radiate for all to see
35:50 Giving yourself the permission to pivot and trusting yourself are keys to success
38:47 Identify your strengths! 70% of individuals are not able to see what their own strengths are in the world
39:12 Asking people around you what they think your strengths are and journaling the feedback to better identify your strengths and how you can find your purpose
43:20 Haley's desire to ditch the mold of networking and create spaces and events where people feel seen and heard
47:19 Link to Haley's FREE monthly community calls that you can join!
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